Friday, March 22, 2013

Gears 4 Good - An Introduction

For one and a half years now I have had a project in the works.  In December of 2011 I founded Gears 4 Good and just this week received my letter of approval from the IRS granting 501(c)3 nonprofit status.  Stoked.  The mission of the charity is simple - get bikes to people who need them and can't afford them.  I have been receiving donations from friends and others by word of mouth, and a couple contacts through the website.  So far I haven't been able to give away many bikes since they all need some work and most need parts.

Now that I have the official nonprofit status I can start requesting donations that can be written off by the donors.  Money is always awesome, but what I need are the "consumable goods" for bikes.  Brake pads, cables, tubes, tires, and chains are the most needed items, followed by grips, seats, pedals, locks, and other various parts.  The big ticket item that would be a great help is storage space.  My little garage is already overflowing and I have something in the works with a big box store that will be both amazing and overwhelming if it comes through.

More to come as things develop.  For now, please "Like" the G4G page on Facebook.  If you want stickers, send me an email -

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